It will come as no surprise to many of you but: I love Electronic Music.
I have been playing and making electronic music for over twenty years and I have always adored the fantastic library of works for clarinet and electronics. But the more I got in to electronic music the more I began to see significant barriers to making and playing electronic music. For many people the huge amounts of bizarre and arcane devices made them think that they would never be able to understand or use such devices to make electronic music. For others the difficulty of the pieces that have been written for clarinet and electronics convinced them that they needed to wait years or even decades to improve their talents on the clarinet in order to play the pieces before them. And for many others there was an economic detriment as both the scores and equipment kept them “priced out of the market” as it were.
The Electroacoustic Etudes are a series of compositions that I wrote to specifically alleviate many of these issues. The works are specifically written for “the advancing student” so as to be accessible to a wide range of students without being too difficult. Yet – these are not “dumbed down” works. In fact: I really dig each etude! Each piece has a corresponding patch made in Pure Data – a free open-source application that is incredibly powerful and can be utilized on any number of computational devices. Each etude has an easy-to-use user interface and corresponding instructions that make playing the pieces easy and relatively hassle-free. And what’s more: The pieces are fun, represent a wide range of musical styles, and there is ample opportunity to improvise, experiment, and even make your electronic music!
The Electroacoustic Etudes were premiered at the 2021 ICA Clarinet Convention and will be commercially available at BLACKAIR.BANDCAMP.COM in September of 2021. You will be able to purchase each of the 10 etudes separately for $5 each. You will receive the score, the patch, and a recording of the work for reference. OR you will be able to buy the whole set for $30 including scores, patches, and recordings! HECK – I’ll probably also give you the option to just buy the record without the scores/patches…if you dig it that much 😉
So I hope you’ll follow my page on bandcamp.com and come back to this website regularly for news and updates. Meanwhile…
Cheers and…thanks.